Book Blog

Four Victims – An Atlanta Homicide Story

Our next entry comes from first time author LG Young.  Drawing upon her own professional experience and familiarity with the city of Atlanta, she was able to create a fascinating story readers of murder mysteries will certainly enjoy!  Here are some of her insights on becoming a published author:

Book printing for self published authors

Where did you get the inspiration or idea to write your story?  “I was a medical examiner investigator for over 10 years, so I have a lot of stories to tell.”

Why is your story or subject important to you?  “It’s for fun. I enjoying reading murder/mysteries and watching the crime shows on TV, so hopefully I will give others enjoyment reading my stories.

Did you learn anything new about writing along the way?  “There is a lot to learn in the process of publishing your own works. At least it will be much easier for the next book.”

What challenges do you face as a writer?  “Editing, Editing, Editing. And stopping yourself from wanting to change the way you write things every time you reread your manuscript. Pick one and sick with it.”

If you could share one piece of advice with a beginning author, what would that be?  “Write it in a way that you would enjoy reading it.”

Where have you been selling your book, what has worked best? “I just received the first books two days ago, so am just in that process of how and where to sell my new book. It was so exciting to finally hold the finished product in my hand. It is available on my website, and is available as an ebook on Amazon Kindle.”

Just for Fun

What is your favorite font?  Times New Roman

What is your favorite season of the year?  Summer

Are you a Dog or Cat person?  I’ve had both all my life

Where do you go to write?  Sitting on my bed in my bedrooom.

Your favorite book:  Outlander – Diana Gabaldon

Finally, Who is YOUR favorite author?  John Sandford

Additional insights you would like to share: “I lucked out when I found Smith Printing. I received more help than just having a book printed. And, the final product was way above my expectations. I am very proud of the quality of my new book.”


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