Book Blog

Self published author is finding ways to share her creative works…

Book Printing and BindingWhen Ann Sawyer had her book printed by Smith Printing Company that was just the beginning of her journey.  Since then she has had a public reading of her book, received a great professional review and created her own YouTube video! 

“During the Q&A (which is not included in the YouTube link) I did give a shout-out for Smith Printing. Someone commented on how nice the “feel” of the book was, and how they liked the printing quality.”

A note from the author:

Hi Friends and Neighbors, 

For those of you weren’t able to attend the reading at Moon Palace, I’ve posted the reading of Mars on Life on Youtube. It runs about 9 minutes, and has the beautiful music of Laura Harada and Tim O’Keefe. I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to share it widely with friends!

And…if you wish to score a copy of the book, you can go to Moon Palace Books or my website.


Love and springtime sneezes, 


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