Book Blog
Book Blog

Christmas keeps on going all year long…

Book Printing and BindingIt may be a hot summer but customers are still feeling like it’s Christmas!  Opening boxes of your printed books can be a great experience, Teresa shared hers:

“Dear Becky,

I just received Christmas in July!  Yes, my books were delivered today.  You and your crew did a beautiful job.  I am very happy with my book.  Thank you so much for making my journey end with a beautiful book.  I appreciate you more than I can say in mere words and will be forwarding your name to anyone who wants to their works put into print. 

It has truly been a privilege to work with you.  Keep up the good work Becky.

Fondly, Teresa”

Smith Printing goes to Washington!

Book Printing and Binding ServicesWe have been printing books for a long time now and have had customers all over the world.  One of our latest books was to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Presidential Food Service at the White House.  It sounds like they enjoyed the books almost as much as the delicious food served over the last seven decades! 

I did take a look inside but I can’t tell you about it… 😉 

“Good morning Becky,

The books are far beyond our expectations and we are extremely happy with them!

We are working on sending it to NAVSUP (Naval Supply Systems Command) our Supply headquarters to showcase what your business and Presidential Food Service has done!”

Another successful book delivery…

Book Printing and BindingEven as a small family run business we have customers all over the country and world!  Good packaging and planning ensure that a great book project gets delivered successfully.  Thank you Bob and Colleen for your kind words:


The books arrived today, and you have got to be commended for a great job, well done!!

Packing was very thorough and UPS treated the boxes with lots of care.

Bindery was everything we had hoped for.  

Thanks for getting the job done well:  It has been a pleasure doing business with you and Smith Printing, Co.  LLC

The check is in the mail!”

Bob and Colleen Eldredge

Christmas in June…!

Book Printing and BindingWell it may be the middle of June but it was like Christmas for Anne!  She created a fun dog themed book and was delighted with the result.


We just received and opened the two boxes and it really was like Christmas in June!  Good, great, excellent work!  The binding is superb as is everything else!  Thank you so, so much for making this possible!  We absolutely love the supremely professional job including the kind, helpful and fun correspondence with you through this journey.  So please, send me the invoice because I have never been so happy to spend my hard-earned cash as on this. 

Appreciatively and with thanksgiving to the Lord for you,


Keeping small town history alive…

Book Printing and BindingThis week’s customer feedback story is about an author that wrote a book containing a collection of stories and interviews.  Her book contained a history of the families and church of a small town in northern Wisconsin.

Hello Becky,

Yes, I did receive the books and they are beautiful.  I had a conversation with Irene and she is elated!  She will have a book signing in a couple weeks (May 22 and 23) at the Historic St. Ann’s Church which is a focal point of the book.  She is thinking of it as a family reunion.  I plan to attend and continue to be of support to her. Irene told me that when her daughter saw the book tears came to her eyes.  She is so proud of her mother’s accomplishment and to see her father’s name in print.

For sure, I would not hesitate one bit on recommending your printing to anyone who asked.  I appreciate your kindness (even when I am pestering you about when the books will be finished) and your assistance.  I have never before done such a project with someone so your helpfulness was greatly appreciated.

I am happy that the cover looks so beautiful.  Whoever of your staff did it, give them my greetings and a word of appreciation.  Both Irene and I are pleased.

Blessings and peace to you,


Gone Fishing…

Self published children's bookHere is a book after my own heart!  “Take Me Fishing” is a fun book for kids about the joys of learning to fish.  Amanda had some kind words about her experience working with Becky at Smith Printing Company:

Thank you so much for all your hard work!  I can’t wait to get started on more books!  You are amazing and working with you has been so great…Thank You!

God Bless,


Amanda is selling her books at local bookstores in the Cape Coral, Florida area.

A book about Sully the Rescue Dog…

Book printing processThe process of printing a book can be an enjoyable experience…authors often share their deepest passions with the world through their creative works.  Christie had Smith Printing produce her book about Sully the rescue dog.   It has been a busy time but a great journey!

“I love the final product!  I have been extra busy with things BESIDES the book, but have still managed to sell 62 copies in two weeks.  I have a book reading scheduled next Saturday in Rochester that I am really excited about. It’s a fund raiser for RAGOM and I was so honored that they invited Sully and I to the event!  I would be more than happy to fill out a favorable review!”

“Becky was wonderful to work with! She guided me through the process of getting my book printed and was always available to answer my questions. Becky made the process of printing my book an enjoyable experience!”


You can purchase a copy of “Sully” here:

Book Printing and Binding


Book Printing and BindingKim came to us with a book project that he had originally completed in digital form only.  He had his daughter help with cover design and Terri at Smith Printing assisted in formatting the book.  There were also some friends that helped push him over the finish line!  He sent an email sharing a Facebook post detailing his experience:

“My printed book arrived at the house today. I’m impressed. (Not at its words but rather by its looks.) My daughter’s cover is eye catching and beautiful and reading my name on the binding is fun. I worked with Smith Printing in Ramsey and am glad I did. Although the book hasn’t changed substantially since I first published it electronically, with Smith’s help and the help of its formatting and creative genius, Terri Peterson, it is now professional. As they made formatting changes, I read my work extremely closely and made enough changes in content for me to feel proud of our creation. Lots of work. Lots of patience. Lots of fun. Special thanks to Nancy Robinson, a Facebook friend who read it months ago and enjoyed it so much, she inspired me to take it the next step. Others have been encouraging as well and I thank you all.” 

Kim Brandell


Self published author is finding ways to share her creative works…

Book Printing and BindingWhen Ann Sawyer had her book printed by Smith Printing Company that was just the beginning of her journey.  Since then she has had a public reading of her book, received a great professional review and created her own YouTube video! 

“During the Q&A (which is not included in the YouTube link) I did give a shout-out for Smith Printing. Someone commented on how nice the “feel” of the book was, and how they liked the printing quality.”

A note from the author:

Hi Friends and Neighbors, 

For those of you weren’t able to attend the reading at Moon Palace, I’ve posted the reading of Mars on Life on Youtube. It runs about 9 minutes, and has the beautiful music of Laura Harada and Tim O’Keefe. I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to share it widely with friends!

And…if you wish to score a copy of the book, you can go to Moon Palace Books or my website.


Love and springtime sneezes, 


Making the grade…

Book Printing and BindingAs a book printer we know there are many options out there to choose from.  We believe that we not only produce a great product but provide great service as well.  One of our recent customers had an experience with a very large book printing company and had this to say…

“The books arrived and we are more then just pleased.  The quality is outstanding.  I might have mentioned receiving the same sample book from Book Baby.  I would rate their product at a D- and the books I received from you an A+.  Your suggestions for book cover and pages were right on.  Simply an exceptional product.  Thank you for making this all happen Becky.”

Larry & Jane


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